Sedation: Safe and Effective

Although visiting an oral professional is not as scary as it’s normally depicted. Nonetheless, dental anxiety is a real thing. Luckily Dr. Jean-Charles and their team at New York Dental Implants provides IV sedation dentistry and other sedation alternatives to curb your anxiety.

Difference in your gumline?

Have you looked in the mirror as of late and seen a huge contrast in proportion with your gums and teeth? Assuming this is the case, you may be experiencing the ill effects of gum recession. This could be caused by several reasons. However, if you look a little bit further, past the surface level you might find that you could be suffering from early indications of gum disease.

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

It might seem like a slightly juvenile point to make, but it’s imperative to state it anyway. You should always brush and take care of your teeth.
Studies have shown that reminding yourself of that phrase periodically, increases your chances of scheduling regular visits with your local dental professional for basic cleanings and oral check-ups.

Signs You Have Sleep Apnea

Many people don’t know that sleep apnea is something that can be treated by your dentist. One major symptom of possibly having sleep apnea is snoring. If you are experiencing this sign of sleep apnea, then it would be worth mentioning it to your dentist.

Bad Breath Culprits

Are you embarrassed by your bad breath? It’s a common fear most people have, that they are speaking to people with smelly breath, and there’s nothing more embarrassing than having to cover your mouth while you speak – or sneak a smell of your own breath, but what is causing it? There are many culprits to bad breath, you just need to figure out which is your cause.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that is affecting a vast majority of the population, but many don’t know that if you are suffering from sleep apnea you can receive treatment from your dentist office. To be more specific thanks to advancements in dentistry sleep apnea treatments are now offered for dental patients. The main reason why sleep apnea treatment is being offered through your oral care provider is because of how it’s directly connected to your oral health.

The Two Reasons Dental Crowns Are Essential To Your Oral Health

Teeth that are aesthetically appealing are important for a patient’s confidence, but even more so teeth that are healthy are important for a patient’s oral health. Dental crowns are a great cosmetic benefit for patients who are suffering from teeth that are chipped, cracked, or broken. Dental crowns have both cosmetic and oral benefits which makes them a beneficial treatment for dental patients seeking treatment.

Rejuvenate Your Smile in a Snap

You’ll never be sorry if you choose porcelain veneers for your smile makeover, but for some patients, this is a huge step. If you‘re in the market for a new smile, but you‘re not that great at commitment, the Snap-On Smile can be your very best companion–around when you need ‘em and tucked away when you don’t.

What Influences The Cost of Dental Implants

For many people who wish to replace lost or impaired teeth, dental implants provide an excellent care option. It can be a little tough to get an accurate price estimate because there are so many variables that can influence the final cost.

The Invisalign Advantage

Although, traditional braces were once the main method for straightening misaligned teeth thanks to advancements in orthodontic dentistry Invisalign has emerged as a great option for those seeking to discreetly straighten their misaligned teeth. Invisalign offers patients the opportunity to straighten their teeth discreetly and does so by utilizing comfortable aligners